Manningham News

Wednesday, 10.16.2024


Manningham Council broke their own laws. And now, they are breaking their own procedures -- procedures that they insist we follow.

Also Manningham Council is trying to sweep the consequences of their actions a ... Read more »

Views: 766 | Added by: Blogger | Date: 11.16.2018


Do Architects really work the way Lovell Chen suggests?

We need to question the validity of placing so much importance on the track record of the two architectural firms.

That approach ... Read more »

Views: 801 | Added by: Blogger | Date: 11.14.2018

Wikipedia defines 'Gaming the system' as 'using the rules and procedures meant to protect a system in order, instead, to manipulate the system for a desired outcome'.

I think something like that is going on at Manningham Council.

Plea ... Read more »

Views: 808 | Added by: Blogger | Date: 08.07.2018


Lawless and Criminal?

Am I exaggerating?

Most likely not.

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Views: 1107 | Added by: Blogger | Date: 05.22.2018

What is the difference between a 'need' and a 'want'?

Most people have confronted this question. Manningham Council also appears to be painfully aware of the difference.


Manningham Council's 'Want'.

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Views: 1113 | Added by: Blogger | Date: 03.27.2018

At last, Manningham Council is giving money back to the residents.

Or are they?

It is good to hear that the council will no longer insist residents contribute towards the cost ... Read more »

Views: 1350 | Added by: Blogger | Date: 01.30.2018

The Community Grants Program.


Each year Manningham council gives away around $1.7 million to not-for-profit groups that deliver community activities in Manningham.

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Views: 1119 | Added by: Blogger | Date: 01.30.2018

Some years back Manningham Council placed a heritage overlay on the old Council Offices (HO48). The problem is that the Council HAS SINCE RENOVATED AND ADDED TO THE COUNCIL OFFICES SEVERAL TIMES apparently without even checking whether or not there was a heritage overlay on it. (Please see Council minutes 28 November 2017, page 112 point A and page 116 point 3.21).

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Views: 1261 | Added by: Blogger | Date: 01.04.2018


Can We Trust Independent Consultants employed by Manningham Council to be independent?

Surely we can trust what they say. These people are assumed to be independent and are assumed t ... Read more »

Views: 1216 | Added by: Blogger | Date: 01.04.2018

As most will know, the State Government wants to build a sewerage treatment plant in the city of Manningham.

However there is something very odd about all this.

Please allow me explain.

... Read more »

Views: 1213 | Added by: Blogger | Date: 11.15.2017

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