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1:02 PM
Padding the bills.

Please see Manningham's 'Council Plan 2012-2017' and 'Financial Strategy 2013-2023'.

Our council pads the invoices, fiddles numbers and rounds numbers up to maximize the money they take from ratepayers.


Consider the following sleight of hand.

On page 17 of the Financial Strategy,

"User fees and Charges: Other General Revenue sources, including fees and user charges are forecast to increase by CPI + 1% in all years, reflecting the labour intensive nature of the services in this category."


CPI is 2.7%.

Wages increase at 3.5% (see page 16 Financial Strategy).

The Road Construction and Maintenance Price Index (RCMPI) increased by 2.4% for 2011/12.

However fees and other user charges go up by 3.7% (CPI + 1%) because of their labour intensive nature.

If labour increases at 3.5% and every other cost increases at a lesser rate, then the cost of the services can only increase by 3.5% and no higher.

How on earth does the Manningham Council justify increasing the cost of fees and charges by 3.7%.


Manningham council takes every opportunity to fiddle the numbers, fudge the calculations, etc. to maximise the money they take in.


13 Aug 2013.

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